Friday, January 11, 2019

Trump's Big, Beautiful, Stupid Wall Could Unite the Left and Right in Texas

Just like the Keystone XL pipeline did in Nebraska.
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Trump's Big, Beautiful, Stupid Wall Could Unite the Left and Right in Texas
The idea that the government can just grab your property so that the president* can fulfill a mnemonic device created by his campaign staff so he could remember how to be a bigot on the stump should revolt anyone. In Texas, it is. Read More
Rock God Dave Grohl Chugs Beer, Falls Off Stage at First Foo Fighters Show of 2019
He's doing some sort of guitar solo, he's really into it, and someone hands him a beer. He takes it and attempts to set it on the PA and grab it with his mouth, but accidentally spills it all over the speaker. So he grabs it with his hand, chugs it, and climbs back on stage, but loses his footing and down goes Grohl. Read More
True Detective Season Three Circles Back to Its Origins–But Still Falls Flat
The central flaw of this season, and the series as a whole is that it's a conventional mystery plot—a simple one, really—that's wrapped up in a overly complex package. Instead of pretty ribbons and bows, there is dirt and grime and a complicated narrative structure that sets up the show to be a puzzle for its audience to figure out. That was part of the first season's appeal; it became a show to dissect and disassemble. Season Three attempts to do the same thing—one of the narrators in one of the three timelines shows early signs of Alzheimer's and is talking to himself through a tape recorder!—but it's less fun and less compelling, probably because so many TV dramas right now (from This Is Us to Westworld) are pulling off the same tricks. Read More
This Week's Biggest Sneaker Releases, and Where to Get Them
We're getting back into the swing of good releases, and this week starts in earnest with Adidas, Air Jordan, Converse, and more. Read More
The Wall Fiasco Now Illustrates All the Most Essential Elements of Trumpism
It's not enough to fabricate an emergency at the border. It's not even enough to pilfer money earmarked to respond to actual emergencies that happened out in reality to respond to your made-up emergency. It has to be money that might've helped Those People. This is what the New York Times' Jamelle Bouie this week called "welfare chauvinism"—a method to redistribute resources in a way that enforces racial hierarchies. This is the same impulse that made Mexico Is Gonna Pay For It such an applause line at rallies. It's not enough to build it and keep Them out. We're going to make Them pay for The Giant Middle Finger Monument, so we take some of what's Theirs while we give Them the finger. Read More
The Good Place in The Good Place Might Not Be So Good After All
The big message from The Good Place has always been a big philosophical hodgepodge. But after spending time in the Bad Place, the Real Bad Place, Earth, The Medium Place, and now the mailroom of The Good Place, it seems no one in the universe has any idea what the fork is going on. And if that's the message The Good Place has been building up to all along, it might be it's biggest and best twist yet. Read More
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