Friday, January 25, 2019

FBI Agents Arrested Roger Stone for Free. I Would Have, Too.

Agents arrested Stone early this morning at his home in Fort Lauderdale.
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FBI Agents Arrested Roger Stone for Free. I Would Have, Too.
Sooner or later, it was going to come to this. Angry at missing yet another paycheck because the American political system is fcked from hell to breakfast, unpaid federal workers take to the streets, marauding through Florida in the middle of the night, disturbing ordinary Americans in their beds and causing general mayhem live on CNN. Roger Stone was arrested at his Florida home early this morning. The consequences of the early morning raid that hauled him off to the sneezer are both obvious and profound. Read More
The WikiLeaks Connection Goes Much Deeper Than Roger Stone
This Friday morning has cemented Roger Stone's place somewhere closer to an international man of mystery—a designation not without its drawbacks. After all, the FBI busted into his Fort Lauderdale, Florida, home in a predawn raid, arresting him on seven counts including "obstruction of an official proceeding, making false statements, and witness tampering." The charges stem from his communications during the campaign with WikiLeaks, the organization that bills itself as advocating transparency in government, but which spent much of 2016 publishing emails that hackers linked to the Russian government had stolen from the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign chair John Podesta. That is, it served as a vital cog in the Kremlin's machine tasked with tipping the scales in an American presidential election. Read More
Rent Moved American Culture Forward. Rent: Live Is Proof of That.
magine this for a moment: It's 1996. You're not yet 13 years old, just about to finish seventh grade. You're still the smallest kid in your class as the rest of the boys your age are starting to hit puberty and you're suddenly aware that you're physically different than everyone else (even you've already started to expect that you didn't fit in, for some uncertain and mysterious reason, from the rest of the boys in your tiny Virginia town).When the Tony Awards air on a Sunday night in June, you're excited to watch because that's how you find out about new shows—the shows currently mounted in big Broadway productions that, if they're really any good, will eventually make their way to Richmond on their national tours. And it's then, on June 2, 1996, when the original cast of Rent, performs a medley of the show's signature number "Seasons of Love" and the act-one closer "La Vie Boheme," when your own myopic world breaks open and you discover a cultural touchstone that will change everything. Read More
Michael Jackson Doc Leaving Neverland Has Police on High Alert at Sundance
Park City police are preparing to respond to threats of protests at the world premiere of Leaving Neverland, a new documentary from director Dan Reed that investigates child abuse claims against Michael Jackson. "We have increased our staffing out of concerns for the potential for a protest," Park City Police told Deadline about the January 25 premiere. Read More
The Three Best Fan Theories After The Good Place Season Finale
After two season finales with major twists, The Good Place's third season was decidedly more subtle: the new neighborhood went into effect, a couple characters had their memories erased, and the show's big finale moment went less for shock and more for emotion. Not The Good Place you were expecting, right? But after three seasons, this finale might be a testament to how far the show has come. The series doesn't particularly need the twists now; it has a bigger agenda. Read More
The 10 Best Wireless Headphones You Can Buy Right Now
You're right to be skeptical about wireless headphones. In many cases, going cordless means sacrificing sound quality and giving into the clutches of Bluetooth connectivity, which can be a real bummer when it's on the fritz. But wireless headphones are too useful to ignore. They improve gym time, commutes, and downtime. Some come with active noise cancellation (NC) that prevents outside distractions from leaking into your ears, so the sound from your music or podcasts or video streaming plays loud and clear. Here are 10 options we here at Esquire have tried and love, with details about their NC capabilities, charging times, and play times. Whatever your needs, one of these will keep you connected and cord-free. Read More
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