Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Rudy Giuliani Would Be Comic Relief If Any of This Was Funny

The president's lawyer gave another eye-popping interview. This time he mentioned tapes.
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Rudy Giuliani Would Be Comic Relief If Any of This Was Funny
One of the most reliable joys of political journalism in this very weird political moment is the series of interviews that Isaac Chotiner is doing for The New Yorker. His latest is a chat with Rudy Giuliani and, yes, there are moments in it that will make you stop so hard that your eyeballs shoot out three feet and then snap back. This is one of them. Read More
Black Panther Just Made History With the 2019 Oscar Nominations
Perhaps the biggest story out of this year's Oscar nominations is Black Panther being the first superhero movie to ever be nominated for Best Picture. This nomination comes 10 years after Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight sparked a major change in the Academy Awards. After that film was robbed of a Best Picture nomination in 2008, the Academy increased the number of possible nominees for Best Picture from five to 10. Check out the rest of the nominees here. Read More
We Need to Accept We're Likely Underestimating the Climate Crisis
Three new studies that indicate the climate crisis is more dire than we thought mean that the time has come to completely reframe the way we talk about the climate crisis. It is no longer acceptable to equivocate or muddy the waters on the question of whether climate change is real and man-made. Everyone who studies it, and whose work is vetted by the wider scientific community and come out the other side as accepted, says that it is. Anyone who continues to question whether it is happening should be ostracized from the public debate. They should not be invited on cable news or the Sunday Shows to spread misinformation and outright lies. These voices have been granted legitimacy for far too long. Read More
13 Sweater Styles to Round Out Every Guy's Rotation
From work, to going out, to straight up not leaving the couch during a snowstorm on a Saturday, there's no situation a sweater can't get along just great in. The best part: There's a type of sweater for every situation. You've got your work-appropriate V-necks, your oversized crewnecks, your apres-ski printed pullovers. Your closet (and life) benefits from having a host of sweaters in it. They'll help keep your style on point—and your body warm—all winter. Here are the 13 styles that every man should know. Read More
The Two Fyre Festival Docs Show Very Different Sides of Poisonous Influencer Culture
What really happened at the ill-fated Fyre Festival and its shady creator? That's what both Netflix and Hulu aim to explore with rival documentaries. Netflix announced its highly-anticipated documentary Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened late in 2018, but on the week of its release, Hulu scooped the mega-streamer by releasing Fyre Fraud. I've watched both documentaries, and I can tell you that you should do the same if you really want a comprehensive picture of the disastrous Fyre Festival. This is what I learned. Read More
Celebrities in the '70s Off-Duty: The Photos
In the 1970s, you could see a celebrity traipsing down the street in a leotard, rollerskating in nothing but a vest, or sunbathing, topless, on the beach. (Okay, you might see that today as well.) They were on vacation, or generally off duty, which is what the following 20 photos show. What you'll notice in many of them is a certain look in their eyes, a devilishness that anyone with a job knows. It says: I'm not working. It's a good feeling. Read More
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