Friday, January 18, 2019

It’s Time to Start the Impeachment Process

Donald Trump is as crooked as Richard Nixon ever was.
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Congress Can't Wait for Mueller. It's Time to Start the Impeachment Process.
If BuzzFeed's latest reporting is accurate, then either this is the ballgame, or Richard Nixon was the victim of the worst miscarriage of justice in the history of western jurisprudence. There seems to be no question that Cohen was under oath when he told the lies the president* allegedly told him to tell. He lied to Congress because the president* told him to do so. Lying under oath is precisely why John Ehrlichman, H.R. Haldeman, Jeb Magruder, and Dwight Chapin all went to prison. The lying under oath, of course, was part and parcel of a conspiracy to obstruct justice, which was the reason why even more of Nixon people went up the river. Read More
When Your Nominee for Attorney General Says Your Crime Was a Crime
It appears Trump's new attorney general nominee William Barr may believe Trump committed obstruction of justice. This is the allegation which led to the impeachments of presidents Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton. Not a great sign, bub! Read More
Meet the Brand Reinventing How You Shop for Your Home
In Partnership with The Citizenry
Home goods handcrafted by artisans around the globe. All thoughtfully designed and ethically sourced. Read More
Glass Is a Middle Finger to the Superhero Genre
Like M. Night Shyamalan's Unbreakable and Split before it, Glass is the complete antithesis of everything we expect from a film in this genre. It's a superhero movie for people who fundamentally reject the concept of a superhero movie. It's like the punk-rock comic-book story, but if the punk rock band got drunk and forgot half their songs. Read More
Two Fyre Festival Docs Show Very Different Sides of Poisonous Influencer Culture
As the frantic social media reports made it back to civilization of a music festival gone horribly wrong, the Fyre Festival became a viral story. But after the social media firestorm faded, the Ja Rule and Billy McFarland brainchild had serious legal implications. This resulted in multiple multi-million dollar lawsuits and a federal criminal investigation. But what really happened at the ill-fated Fyre Festival and its shady creator? That's what two new documentaries aim to explore. Read More
James Blake and André 3000's Brilliant 'Where's the Catch?' Makes Poetry Out of Anxiety
"Where's the Catch?" comes at a time when mental health has been a driving conversation in music—particularly hip-hop. While this song doesn't attempt to provide any answers—how could it?—"Where's the Catch?" does mark one of the most beautiful and thought-provoking songs about mental health in this era of music. There's also comfort in that. One hip-hop legend, and one of the most respected producers and musicians of the 2010s have the same battles as we do. Read More
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