Saturday, January 05, 2019

35 Movies We’re Eager to See in 2019

It's never too early to look forward to this year's blockbusters.
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The 35 Most Anticipated Movies of 2019
Look, I know we're just a week into this year, but Hollywood already has a crazy and exciting 2019 planned for us. Disney has three live-action remakes coming our way, Marvel has a new superhero (and a grand finale ahead for the Avengers), and we're getting another Joker movie. But beyond the remakes and the sequels, we also have exciting a big-screen adaptation of a beloved Pulitzer Prize-winning novel and a new star-studded Quentin Tarantino movie. These are the movies you'll be rushing to see in 2019. Read More
Hate to Tell You, But Your New Year's Resolution to 'Be Healthy' Is Toast
The food industry is not helping us adhere to January salad season. Just in time for your resolutions for a "new year, new me" to weaken—a.k.a. four days into 2019—new and delectable foods are hitting menus at fast food and fast casual joints all over the country. Hell, even the Girl Scout cookie order sheet is getting in on the action. Here are five new foods that look way too good to pass up, or in other words, here are five reasons your New Year's Resolution is totally screwed. Read More
The 26 Best Bags for the Gym and Beyond
But if you insist, a proper gym bag makes actually going to the gym a little less painful. For one, actually having a place for all of your belongings makes the trip itself easier. Bonus if you get a bag with built-in organization that gives each item a home, too. And given the influence of sports and athletics on fashion, there's a number of bags meant for the gym that don't skimp on style either. Here are the best out there right now. Read More
How to Watch the Golden Globes in Case Something Interesting Happens
The Golden Globes are kind of like the awards show version of Whose Line Is It Anyway? where everything is made up and the categories don't matter. It's an institution that is typically only interesting when the glammed-up drunkenness gets quirkily out of hand. The speeches are bolder, the drama is a little more pronounced, the production is a bit looser, the stakes are a bit lower. In other words, some mildly interesting stuff sometimes happens during the Golden Globes. And since you have nothing better to do on a Sunday night, you might as well tune in on the off chance something kind of fun goes down. Read More
It's About Time Democrats Said Something Without Worrying About What the Maniac President* Might Say
Let us note that any institution that has tolerated the likes of Steve King and Louie Gohmert for as long as it has, and that cheered Vice President Dick Cheney when he told Pat Leahy to fuck off in the Senate chamber, let alone any political party that has lined up uniformly behind El Caudillo del Mar-a-Lago and his pussy-grabbing ways, has no credibility when it attacks one rookie Democratic congresswoman for saying "motherf*cker," or another for asking the question that Democratic politicians should have been asking for decades now. Read More
How to Make a Low-ABV Manhattan
Why might you want to drink a lower-ABV cocktail? That's up to you, your promises of New Year's resolve, and your liver. For what it's worth, a recent study found that people who commit to Dry January—and even people who try to commit, but fail to totally commit—end up drinking less throughout the following year. Downgrading the ABV on your next Manhattan certainly sounds like trying to us. Read More
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