Tuesday, January 01, 2019

The Secret Hangover Cures That Chefs Swear By

Unlike most of us, chefs know how to whip up a remedy fast.
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14 Chefs Reveal Their Secret Hangover Cures
It happens, even to—some would say, especially to—culinary experts. Chefs keep weird hours. The work is hard and the nights are late. Plus there's the inherent sense of community found both intra- and inter-restaurant. A late night, lots of friends, a sense of relief. But moonlight pleasure becomes early morning pain; chefs get hangovers, too. The difference is, they know what to whip up to ease the headaches, nausea, and grogginess. Some treatments are good for you, others contain tequila. All 14 of them are purported to work. Read More
These Stores Are Open on New Year's Day
Shopping is a key part of accomplishing your New Year's resolutions—unless your resolution is to cut back on the shopping, of course. Start the year with a fuller fridge and closet by heading to one of these stores on January 1. Or take advantage of your day off by returning or exchanging any Christmas gifts. Who knows? These shops might even have some sales to celebrate the year ahead. Read More
A 5-Step New Year's Workout Plan Any Guy Can Crush
Let us guess: You'd love to show off a fresh six-pack in 2018, but the thought of fighting your way through a sea of resolutioners to get to a piece of gym equipment is truly nauseating. Fortunately for you, we've got your "new year, new you" action plan, and it requires the least amount of work possible. In other words, it's a fitness plan for even the laziest of lazy. Read More
The New York City Subway in the 1970s: The Photos
The New York City subway system, love it or hate it, is a staple of the city's culture, and has been for more than a century. These days, the jam-packed subways are filled people glued to their phones, ignoring the ads (mostly for new startups) splashed across the inside of the cars. But before we had Spotify to keep us busy on our commutes, subway riders were surrounded by grime, graffiti, and a heavy police presence. Here are a few scenes that paint the picture of what it was like to get around The Big Apple in the 1970s. Read More
You're Not Going to Die Alone. It's Just Cuffing Season
Do you feel lonely? Sad? Desperate for a nice throw blanket to compensate for the lack of body heat spooning your frigid, wintery body? Fortunately, these symptoms are not contagious or fatal. You're likely suffering because you did not get drafted for Cuffing Season. Read More
The Tudor Black Bay Fifty-Eight Is the Watch I Hope to Give to My Kid One Day
I don't have a child—yet. But I want one. Ditto that for the Tudor Black Bay Fifty-Eight watch. Now, let's be clear: I am not equating the desire for a family with the desire for timepiece, no matter how exceptional that timepiece may be. I'm just saying that I'm in my mid-30s, married, and hoping for a kiddo one day in the not-too-distant future. And if everything works out as hoped, I'd be pretty damn happy to pass that watch on to the next generation when the time comes. Read More
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