Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Inside Benjamin Brafman’s Defense of Harvey Weinstein: ‘I’m Not the Morality Police’

Why did one of New York's most successful criminal defense lawyers feel up to representing the disgraced movie mogul?
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'I'm Not the Morality Police': Inside Benjamin Brafman's Defense of Harvey Weinstein
Is Benjamin Brafman a bad man because he helps (allegedly) bad people? He thinks not. "I'm not the morality police," he tells me one afternoon several months ago at his firm, Brafman & Associates PC. "I'm a criminal-defense lawyer." But what if the client is Harvey Weinstein, the former film mogul now facing charges of sexual assault involving two women—and similar allegations from dozens more? Brafman leans back, places his palms on the table, and narrows his eyes, like I've just questioned Earth's roundness. "I've spent forty years trying to get to the top of my profession, and this is the most high-profile case in the United States," he says. "It's flattering to be picked by someone like him." Read More
For Capt. Sully Sullenberger, Fame Was a Burden—Until It Became a 'Duty'
On January 15, 2009, former Capt. Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger courageously landed a US Airways plane on Manhattan's Hudson River, saving the lives of all 155 people on board. He was immediately hailed a national hero. But at home, he suffered. Ten years later, he spoke with Esquire about the flight that changed his life. Read More
Let's Speculate Wildly About the 2019 Oscar Nominations
We're deep in Award Season, the most exciting time of year for movie lovers (those who don't care about rushing to the multiplex for summer blockbusters, that is). With the Oscars still over a month away (the ceremony will take place on February 24), there's plenty of time to place bets on which movies—and which movie stars—will go home with the golden trophy. Read More
Fox News's Latest Contribution to Our Bizarro World: This Dude Calling to Disband the FBI
Seldom has our new bizarro world been on show like it was Monday night on The Fox News Channel. Various Republicans have, for months now, taken to attacking the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the nation's most powerful law-enforcement organization that they once thought very honorable indeed. Not anymore, you see: the FBI has been investigating The Leader, including, according to The New York Times this weekend, exploring whether Trump might be a Russian asset after he fired FBI Director James Comey. El Jefe has, in turn, been attacking the FBI. So it's time for the various freakish fauna of the netherworld to really blossom. Read More
Trump Purchased the Clemson Tigers Everything They Need for Their First Heart Attack
Monday night, the White House hosted the Clemson Tigers to celebrate their national championship. Upon first inspection of the various images that have been floating around, the event had everything any seven-year-old dreams of at their birthday party: Wendy's, Burger King, McDonald's. But when you really get in there, that's when the spread becomes even more impressive. Domino's and french fries under a heat lamp is my love language. But reader, when I saw a mound of Filet-O-Fishes next to a bowl of dipping sauces? Well, I cried. Read More
Every Republican Turning on Steve King Was Grown in the Same Terrarium
We tried. Chris Hayes, and April Ryan, and I tried very hard to pull Rep. Steve King (R-Berchtesgarden) back from the shoals toward which he was merrily sailing. Helm up, Steve! Hard over! Too late. House Republicans are finally (finally?) being compelled to do something about his blatant and ongoing racism Read More
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