Tuesday, January 08, 2019

The Media Is Dangerously Unequipped to Deal With What's Coming Tonight

The president's speech on the border "crisis" and The Wall will likely be completely detached from reality. We're not up to the challenge of covering it live.
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Trump Will Lie Tonight. The Media Is Dangerously Unequipped For That.
President Trump announced via tweet Monday that he would deliver an Oval Office address tonight concerning the "crisis" at our southern border, and the need to Build The Wall. This event is based on an entire architecture of false premises. And now, all the major networks have announced they will carry this obvious propaganda live in primetime, ensuring the firehose of garbage sprays as many Americans as possible. Read More
There Is Nothing Redeemable About R. Kelly. 'But His Music' Was Never a Good Enough Argument.
After you watch the six-part ordeal that is Lifetime's docuseries Surviving R. Kelly, it becomes clearer than ever that there can be no separating R. Kelly from his "art." Between what is seen in the documentary and R. Kelly's response to it, it is just as clear that he does not care about his alleged victims now, and never has. There is nothing about him that is redeemable. The question now, is will enough of us finally learn our lessons and mute this guy for good? Read More
Riding Alongside One of the World's Last Whaling Tribes
Writer Doug Bock Clark provides an up-close look at the Lamalerans of Indonesia, one of the last hunter-gatherer societies on the planet. Read More
The 2019 Bonnaroo Lineup Is Its Weirdest in Years
The Bonnaroo lineup is always the weird one. It's a mix of pretty much everything, with a usually jam band-leaning mix. It's quirky some might say. It's fun, others might say. It's really freaking bizarre, most would say. That's kind of become the charm of Bonnaroo, which is, somewhat refreshingly, the least expected lineup of the festival circuit. But, friend, are you ready for the 2019 Bonnaroo lineup? Read More
How Conservatism Became Trumpism—and We All Got Into This Mess
There is a town in Florida that was struggling to recover from Hurricane Michael anyway, and is now struggling because there is a federal prison there that got demolished during the storm. Many of the inmates got transferred to a prison in Mississippi. The Florida COs suddenly had a 400-mile commute and now, with the shutdown, they're pretty much making the trip for free. This is awful enough for the people involved but, as the story makes clear, it's a perfect microcosm of how conservatism so easily morphed into Trumpism, and how impossible it likely is for conservatism ever to extricate itself again. Read More
In 2019, The Media Has to Do Better in Calling Out Trump's Shit
In the light of a brand new year, I have one simple wish: Big news organizations need to do a better job treating the President like the liar that he is. It's time, this year, in 2019—as we gear up for another godforsaken presidential election next year—to get this right. There aren't "both sides" when one side can't stop lying. There aren't "differences of opinions" when one opinion is repeatedly, provably false. And there's not "debate" when the thing you're debating is built on lies. Read More
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