Thursday, January 10, 2019

The Guys of 'The Sopranos' Were Hilarious Psychopaths.

To mark the 20th anniversary, Esquire drew its focus on three characters: Bobby Bacala, Christopher Moltisanti, and the food.
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The Guys of The Sopranos Were Hilarious Psychopaths
To mark the 20th anniversary of the mob drama (or comedy?), we've published a conversation between The Sopranos creator David Chase and journalist Matt Zoller Seitz excerpted from the new book The Sopranos Sessions, an interview with Steve Schirippa, the actor who played Bobby 'Bacala' Baccalieri, examined Christopher Moltisanti, the sleazy style god, and went deep on the food. Read More
The President Just Gave the Game Away on His National Emergency Scam
You may be worried about how our Large, Adult President is faring through this government shutdown. Granted, he caused the shutdown singlehandedly. Granted, he is not suffering in the way that federal workers, who will be robbed of their paychecks tomorrow should this continue, are. Granted, he's not one of the federal contractors who will probably never get back pay, or the Coast Guard folks who've been encouraged to hold garage sales to make ends meet, or the Native Americans whose services have been slashed. But according to Democrats who attended a meeting with him yesterday, via The New York Times, it seems the stress might be getting to him. Read More
The Green Book Writer Posted a Racist Message About Muslims Cheering on 9/11
Days after he won the Golden Globe for Best Screenplay, a 2015 tweet from Green Book writer/producer Nick Vallelonga resurfaced in which he agreed with Donald Trump's unsubstantiated claim that he saw "Muslims in Jersey City cheering" when the World Trade Center towers collapsed on 9/11. The tweet, which was confirmed to be sent by Vallelonga, was deleted shortly after news outlets took notice late Wednesday. Read More
Steve King Is a Public Racist. Iowans Have Elected Him to Congress 9 Straight Times.
This week, Rep. Steve King asked the following: "White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization—how did that language become offensive?" I know we're all supposed to be in a tizzy because a new congresswoman from Michigan used a bad word, and because Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had fun in college and advocates a return to Ike Eisenhower's tax plans, but this revolting lump of hot, bigoted mess has been elected to the Congress nine freaking times. Read More
Hear Me Out: Dolly Parton for Oscars Host
Close your eyes. Actually, don't close your eyes because you're reading. Close your metaphorical eyes and imagine with me: a heavy piano accompanied by the sound of nails rhythmically tapping on a typewriter. An Oscar nominee appears on a dark stage—let's say Olivia Colman. We all love her right now. She sings an altered line from "9 to 5." Another nominee appears! Mahershala Ali, perhaps. You love Mahershala! He sings the next line. Soon, the whole stage is filled with a hodgepodge of beloved Hollywood characters before the backdrop opens and she appears: Academy Award-nominated singer, actress, and businesswoman, Dolly Parton. You just got chills, didn't you? Read More
There's an Answer to Jon and Dany's Incest Problem in Game of Thrones
We've had something like 500 days to mull over the implications of Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen's accidentally incestuous relationship. The two went at it toward the end of Season Seven, just as the audience learned that she's really his aunt. Truly one of the weird moments in TV history. So, as Season Eight approaches, let's go ahead and address the dragon in the room and unpack what's going to be a pretty awkward conversation for everyone involved. Read More
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