Friday, January 04, 2019

Fox News and the NRA’s Vision for American Schools Is Guns and Fear

In the future, everyone will own a gun...and have it on them at all times.
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Fox News and the NRA's Vision for American Schools Is Guns and Fear
On Thursday night, NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch appeared on Fox News, where she argued that we should completely redesign school systems to account for the idea that anyone could have a gun and decide to go on a violent rampage at any moment. Like, your child should have to pass through numerous highly secure checkpoints to get to algebra class. They should be aware, constantly, that they are at risk of horrific injury or death while studying. There is no room, anymore, for schools to be a calm and nurturing environment that helps children grow into the greatest version of themselves. This is about survival, and the only solution is more guns. Read More
Ellen Called the Academy on Kevin Hart's Behalf, and Urged Him to Return to the Oscars
One month ago, Kevin Hart stepped down as the host of the Academy Awards after old homophobic tweets and jokes surfaced online. Now, eight weeks away from the awards show, the Oscars still have no host, and Hart is attempting to make a comeback. In an interview with Ellen DeGeneres, he speaks about why he decided to step down, and DeGeneres tells him, "I know you're not that guy, because I know you." Read More
This Week's Biggest Sneaker Releases, and Where to Get Them
The holiday season is officially over, but that doesn't mean shopping season has to be. It's always time to treat yourself to a new pair of kicks. This week has an unusual breadth and variety of brands and projects coming together to fill out the schedule, but there's one theme that's consistent: Everything here is new in its own way. Read More
The Only Part of 'Red Dead Redemption 2' That Matters Is My Horse
When I started playing Red Dead Redemption 2, there were a lot of things I looked forward to: robbing trains, jumping stagecoaches, hunting grizzlies, collecting bounties, even growing facial hair—all set against a gorgeously detailed and skyscraper-free landscape of the American West. In the 30+ hours I've already logged, the game offers all of the above (and plenty more), but I wouldn't really know. I've had precious little time for such things because of one part of the game I never anticipated: Jeffy. Read More
The House of Representatives Is Different Now. The Future Is in It.
On the day on which the House of Representatives changed hands, and on a day on which the halls of the Congress were alive with the various sounds of children of all ages, including the adult ones, the most remarkable thing I saw was a thick wooden table, on which was an assortment of books. There were no less than seven versions of the Bible, from the Catholic Douay version, to the Eastern Orthodox, to an assortment of King James editions, to the African-American Heritage Bible. There were two copies of the Tanakh. There was a Qu'ran. There was a Hindu Veda and a Buddhist Sura. There were two copies of the United States Constitution. If you were a member of the House waiting to take your constitutionally mandated oath, this table had you covered. The books on the table were silent witnesses to an altogether remarkable day. Read More
Ted Cruz's Once-Adequate Beard Has Evened Itself Out With the Inadequate Man It Rests Upon
Last year (yeah), we wrote a short piece claiming that the addition of a beard was a relative improvement to Ted Cruz's unpalatable face. Thank God, the world has returned to it's natural order and Ted Cruz's face looks bad again. And it's all because of a bad combination of over- and under-grooming. Read More
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